Ok, so usually the first clear answer is enough...
Miscarriage #1 happened just 2 months after our wedding! Yikes! We definitely were suprised considering the lengths we'd gone to for "protection." But, it definitely got us thinking. I've known since I was about 15 or 16 that I have a condition called PCOS; in short, I have numerous overgrown cysts on my ovaries (too much info? Then you don't know me very well!)
14 months went by with 3, possibly 4 periods; 2 of which were miscarriages, 1 (the "possible" one) lasted about 2 minutes and 1 lasted exactly 1 day shy of 4 months long!!! On my list of fun things to do, that ranks somewhere below sitting in a bathtub full of scissors. So, I went back on the pill for my sanity and to attempt to get into a little better shape.
Isn't she hot??
And then of course my inlaws were dropping weight faster than I could blink! I think my father-in-law, Guy is already up to around 150 lbs!! I wish I had a more recent photo to show off since they've continued to loose MUCH more!
(I'm so proud of you guys!!)
Needless to say, I was VERY inspired! And so was Ty. So we decided to get to the bottom of things and figure out how to Git-r-done! So we pulled out our "hot" photos...you know the ones we wish to burn, but keep them out of sheer morbid curiousity.
Doesn't seem too bad....but oh, it gets worse, believe you me!
This is where ty gets mad at me for posting these, but lets be honest, he can hold his weight REALLY well....JERK!
Oh my my....I've seriously dreaded putting these up! But alas, here's the dirty dirty truth!
But then I found out some interesting information one day while searching the web about fertility (as, at the time, we had decided to go off the pill again). I found an article about insulin resistance...which I thought I might have. And truly, it was the answer to all my problems; my unexplained weight issues and infertility. The gist: my insulin is all out of whack! Without the right food combinations, my insulin spikes and thus stores whatever I've just eaten as fat immediately. Not very thrilling. Because of the constant commotion in my body with the hormones and whatnot, I also don't generally ovulate. Also, not fun. The answer: Protein baby!
(sorry for the re-post, just driving the point home)
So, YAY for us! And I almost got to my goal weight before getting preg-o, which is pretty dang exciting, and now I know exactly how to lose the weight in the future!
Now, tying up the rest of the original story; in the fall, Ty and I found out that FOR SURE he would be deploying sometime later in 2009. Immediately, Ty and I both thought only of one thing, a baby. While we had been trying for all of this time, we hadn't gone the route of fertility treatments yet, so it was time. So, we were about to start fertility treatments when my body started to change...I won't say how exactly, but you mothers know exactly what I'm talking about! I didn't believe it was possible at first considering my history, and the fact that it had been MANY MANY months since my last cycle, but I was sure I had to be pregnant. So with fertility treatments just 1 week away from starting, I took a test....and here we are!