Thursday, June 14, 2012

Who posts photos of Easter in JUNE?? This girl, that's who!

Life has been so busy and crazy over the past couple of months, and so while I've been meaning to get around to even downloading these photos from my camera, here we are 2 months later and I've just gotten around to it! 

The Hubs got home, a bit  unexpectedly, if not, blissfully early from Afghanistan and we moved out to Oklahoma (for just the next 6 months...well, 5 months now)...I clearly have a lot to catch up on, but we'll start here.

So, Easter this year was a last minute throw together that turned out so fun!!

 My cute mom painted the kiddos faces SO darling!!

Okay, but seriously, one of the greatest quotes from the day was as follows:

Me: "And after three days, when they rolled away the stone from the tomb, 
what do you think they found?" 
Dillon: "The Easter Bunny!"

I love that little stud!! Best Sunday answer ever!


It was a serious MESSY good time!!
Sure wish more of the cousins could have made it out!! I think each of these kiddos ended up with 30 some odd eggs in each of their baskets!!!


-morgan said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omGASH!!! the best was when the shirt comes off, the chocolate goes in, and the face after that is priceless.

Jess Simonsen said...

Oh man! Those are such cute pictures! I LOVE the sequence where dillon is smashing open the pinata and Gage comes to show you his candy haha they're so cute! I miss your little man!

Jess Simonsen said...

Oh man! Those are such cute pictures! I LOVE the sequence where dillon is smashing open the pinata and Gage comes to show you his candy haha they're so cute! I miss your little man!

Brittany said...

You were the BEST for throwing that together! I am going to have to do that every year now! Those pictures are priceless! We miss Gager too. ...Easter Bunny in the tomb...isn't that how it goes? no biggie.