Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life Truly is a Box of Chocolates

at least it is now that we are all together again. And who cares what kind of chocolate you get, it's CHOCOLATE, and it just doesn't get any better than that!
Here we are at the Vancouver Rodeo...
not bad, but it was NOTHING compared to the rodeos from home.

Gage is really into pointing these days, and he likes to point with his fingers crossed; Man I love this chunky monkey!

Those with kiddos know, there are few toys as great as good old paper!

Love this hat!
My parenting skills at their best!
(While Gage definitely did NOT drink the dew, the 3 year old sitting with his Mommy in front of us WAS IN FACT drinking a dew?!)

Nothin but LOVE!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! Can't wait to see you guys in person. Thanks for updating your blog...I check daily, so it's always nice when I get to see new stuff. What a fandamtastic picture of your family...all of them, but particularly the one at the top. Wow, awesome! I miss you Sally. don't forget about me, call me once in a while.

Anonymous said...

You have such a cute family!! Your little man is so cute by the way he is getting so big how old is he now?

It's Me...shell said...

Oh my gosh! I want to squeeze that kid. SO CUTE

Jess Simonsen said...

Who took these pictures? was this a myspace shot??